
Meet Tyler

Over the next couple of months we anticipate welcoming three new brothers at Joseph House. It was the funds raised at last years Gala that has enabled us to...

Fr. Dustin Feddon
Meet Tyler

We are growing.

Over the next couple of months we anticipate welcoming three new brothers at Joseph House. It was the funds raised at last years Gala that has enabled us to expand our house, building three new rooms. Without the support of you all this would not have been possible. This is why we know that our mission to serve those leaving Florida's prisons and jails is dependent on our larger community of friends.

Core to our mission is the belief that " the fruit of justice is sown in peace, to them that cultivate peace." We believe justice isn't an ideology but rather is way of life. Cultivating peace is something that can happen everyday when we take the time to see and listen to others. We at Joseph House are grateful to have folks who have made serving others their life's pursuit. We are happy to share with you all that we have hired our first fulltime staff person, Tyler Parker. Tyler is our Mission Coordinator at Joseph House. 

Let's hear from Tyler

Dear Joseph House community,

Hello, my name is Tyler Parker. I was formerly an intern at Joseph House in the Summer of 2019 and have now returned to Joseph House as of August 2020 to serve as a staff member in this blossoming reentry community. The love circulating the community and the dedicated mission of Joseph House has brought me back to Tallahassee and I couldn’t be more excited.

The vision of Joseph House is broad, intentional, methodical, embracing, compassionate, inclusive, and so much more. To be a part of something like this is meaningful and really is a joy; but more importantly, it is a source of joy and healing to those whom we serve. Joseph House is growing and is hoping to have three new residents by the end of the year totaling in at five residents. The pandemic has slightly disrupted the rhythm of the Joseph House community as it has to so many of our lives, but we know that everyone is always with us in heart and in spirit. A special expression of gratitude to everyone who has managed to find ways to get involved even through these socially isolating times. We continue to improvise and find safe ways to slowly and carefully involve volunteers and friends back into the weekly activities; or to “chop tomatoes,” as Bishop Wack has previously said.

The proverb states that it takes a village to raise a child, as we at Joseph House like to say that it takes a community to help our returning citizens to heal and thrive. Please feel free and comfortable to contact me at any time if you ever have any questions, want information on how to get involved, or if you just want to chat. My email is where I can always be reached.

Best wishes to everyone and I hope we cross paths sometime soon!